From the age of six Sergio Dinarte embarked on a musical journey that would shape his life and touch the souls of many around the world. Under the guidance of Don Cándido Morales, a disciple of the legendary Agustín Barrios Mangoré, Sergio began his guitar education, laying the foundation for his future as a fingerstyle guitarist.
Classically trained at the prestigious University of Costa Rica, Sergio’s passion for music led him beyond the realm of traditional classical guitar scores. With a self-taught drive, he dove into the world of fingerstyle and bass, pushing the boundaries of his skills while still carrying the refined techniques of his classical training. Sergio’s love for his Salvadoran roots propelled him into the vibrant music scene of his homeland. Collaborating with various groups, he strummed the strings of Salvadoran music, infusing it with his own unique style and soul. But Sergio’s talent didn’t stop there.